Welcome to the Lone Star Circuit!

Mission Statement - "The mission of the Lone Star Circuit is to actively promote and support the homebrew clubs, contests, and homebrewers of Texas."

1 Current Standings 2 Qualifying Competitions 3Officers and Clubs

Competition Points / Awards

The following awards will be awarded at the end of the Dixie Cup Competition for the accumulation of points for the competition year:

  • Lone Star Homebrewer of the Year for the single homebrewer that earns the most total points for the competitions
  • Lone Star Homebrew Team of the Year for the homebrew team that earns the most total points for the competitions
  • Lone Star Homebrew Club of the Year for the homebrew club that earns the most total points for the competitions

The points will be awarded as follows: 3-2-1 points will be awarded 1st-2nd-3rd place medals respectively. Also, non-standard style categories will not receive points such as "wine and liquor" at Lunar Rendezbrew, "New Entrants" at Bluebonnet and Dixie Cup, and "Special Categories" at Dixie Cup.

Points for teams (which are acknowledged as individuals that brew the entry in question together) will not be eligible for individual points for entries entered with the team listed as the brewer (and individuals will not be eligible for team points for their entries as submitted as an individual). For example, entries under the name of "John Doe" will not count towards the team of "John and Jane Doe" and vice versa. The intention of the team award is to reward brewers (usually less than 3) that brew together and not to reward a number of individuals that pool their entries together to win an award.

New competitions should be decided by the Officers of the Board after the last competition of the circuit and at least one month before the first competition of the Circuit (or one month before the prospective competition due date, which ever is earlier).

Ties are allowed; there are no tie-breakers.

The cost of the awards will be shared among the member competitions that have entry fees.